Wot Blitz Garage Slots
Supply is a permanent bonus program for clans. From time to time, new levels will be unlocked and new discounts added.
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Level V
Adds a permanent 5% discount for researchable Tier V vehicles and the Automatic Fire Extinguisher, First Aid Kit, and Engine Power Boost. This bonus adds up to the discounts for the previous levels—the total discount for the listed consumables will be 10%.
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- Interactive elements have designated slots for each type of item. To begin, click the Garage element you want to embellish. Then click a slot that can be decorated to open a window containing all suitable decorations, and choose one to apply.
- Shop vintage clothing in stores and online at Ragstock.com. Free shipping on orders over $50.
- Interactive elements have designated slots for each type of item. To begin, click the Garage element you want to embellish. Then click a slot that can be decorated to open a window containing all suitable decorations, and choose one to apply.

Level VI
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Increases the discount for Multi-Purpose Restoration Pack up to 10%, and allows a saving of 5% of credits when buying researchable Tier VI vehicles. This Supply level enables buying an additional Garage slot for 200,000 credits. You can do this only once, even if you decide to change clans.
Level VII
Offers a 5% discount for researchable Tier VII vehicles. In addition, using Adrenaline in battle will be 5% cheaper, and the discount for the Repair Kit will increase to 10%.
Level VIII
Offers permanent discounts for repair, equipment and Tier VIII vehicles, as well as an opportunity to get one more Garage slot in exchange for credits.
Vote for your favourite Clip of the Week in World of Tanks Blitz - Basic Blitz #3: Garage Management This is.
Reaching Supply Level VIII takes a lot of effort, both from the entire clan, and each player personally. However, once you have access to the reward, you can use it all the time!
Level IX
In update 3.4, clans will be able to raise their Supply to Level IX and get even more permanent bonuses:
- Discount of 5% for all researchable Tier IX vehicles.
- A 5% discount for the rest of the provisions. This bonus completes Supply Level III, which already provides a 5% discount on large portions of edible provisions.
- Access to rare Clan Warrior camouflage. The cost of its replenishment and the bonus to concealment depend on the vehicle tier and class, respectively. See screenshots below.
- 10% discount for replenishment of standard camouflage.
We are also considering a discount for replenishing rare camouflage. Expect this change in later versions, after update 3.4.
Level X
- 5% discount for researchable Tier X vehicles.
- Possibility to buy the IS-5—a Tier VIII Premium tank—for 1,500 gold.
- Possibility to buy an additional Garage slot for 200,000 credits.
- Discount for provisions and Adrenaline increases from 5% to 10%.
- 5% discount for level III equipment.
Update 3.8 grouped equipment by levels, with discounts distributed as follows: at Supply Levels VIII, IX, and X, the clan gets a 5% discount for level I, II, and III equipment, accordingly.
Premium tank IS-5 (Object 730)
Here's the cherry on top of the clan cake. A Premium tank made available to players achieving Supply Level X, and with a fat discount!
The IS-5 stats are similar to other IS vehicles: this a heavy tank with good maneuverability, sloped armor, and the good old 122 mm gun. The tank has greater profitability comparable to other Tier VIII Premium vehicles.
IS-5 stats
To buy the IS-5, open Level X discounts in Clan Supply and tap the Premium Tank icon.
Let's recap. By reaching the maximum Supply level, clan members get unique bonuses and discounts for almost everything. While the size of the discount is not overly impressive, it is permanent and saves you a significant number of credits over time. If you want to save on repairs, be able to buy slots in exchange for credits and roll out the IS-5 into battle, then join a clan and start upgrading your Supply level. You can start right now!